Monday, September 14, 2020




It's magic;
It produces exceptional results.
It operates like a wave for it has a rippling effect.

It is a soothing balm;
It has a therapeutic effect.
It regulates human emotions.

Graceful words are magical;
The result, unimaginable.
When it goes forth like a wave,
The feedback leaves you twirling in excitement.

When ministered to a weary soul, 
It calms the mind and brightens the gloom.
When administered on a broken being,
It, like the Plaster of Paris, puts the fellow back in shape.

Permit me to compare it with salt;
For it has the ability to season an insipid life.
In the ancient Book is therein written:
Let your words be seasoned with salt, that it may minister grace to the hearers.

A friend once said,
"If I have to say something, I think it over and over;
In the long run, I say nothing."
Now that I think about it, I have come to realize this:
It is better you say nothing than produce nothing with what is said.

You all remember the song from our childhood?
The popular five magic words.
God bless the writer of the poem;
For of a truth, those words are magical.

The power a 'Please' wields is unimaginable;
That of 'Excuse me', surprisingly wonderful.
A 'Sorry' is the thin line between peace and conflict.
'Thank you' shows your gratitude and paves way for more.
'Pardon me' shatters fury and ends worry.

On a concluding note, permit me, this to note:
When you notice a GOOD, commend it for it is encouraging to the individual concerned.
When you notice a NOT SO GOOD, my dear, correct in love.
When you miss a person's presence, let them know their absence is felt.
In all you do, provide honest report.
Bring up, not pull down, with your words.

I call you blessed.

Edited by ALAO Adewale Timothy